Curated by tz1Rob71ChhLGo6rqvTWzVtWdcErcTskvGq1
Dec 10, 2024 at 12:28 PM

In the journey of daily life, encountering fundamental things that are overlooked and remain misunderstood, only to pass by unnoticed. We move on and sink into the emptiness that surrounds us, And feel solitude in the redness of its gaze. For everything we strive for, May there be solace in the waiting.
In the journey of daily life, encountering fundamental things that are overlooked and remain misunderstood, only to pass by unnoticed.
We move on and sink into the emptiness that surrounds us,
And feel solitude in the redness of its gaze.
For everything we strive for,
May there be solace in the waiting.
